Let Us Converse!
Converse is a game which can be played between two friends or in a group.
One player clicks on "start round", and the game suggests a location, two actors and a letter of the alphabet.
The objective for the player playing the round is to imagine that location and the first actor and ask a question starting with the letter that is given. For example, if the message is " Location: Market, Actors=Two friends, Letter= S", the player can ask the second player "So, do you think we should buy vegetables"? The second player has to start with the next letter T, in the same location and the second actor. Thus he can ask "Think, why do you need the vegetables?". The following question by the third (or back to the first) player can be "Unless you want groceries first?" and so on. Whoever ends their turn with a statement instead of a question loses the round. For more difficulty, multiple sentences can be banned, and a time limit can also be used, although these are not integrated in the game software. This game can also be played with other languages such as Hindi or Spanish, the starting word must closely align with their English equivalent. The letter X can be skipped. If Z is reached, the sequence can start from A again.
In the settings, location actors or letters can be turned off, to allow for more creativity and sometimes ease of playing. When there is no letter, the phrases can start from A, or can start with any letter without the "succeeding letter" rule.
The final score after a few rounds (5-8)can be calculated.
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | Bishnu Goswami |
Genre | Interactive Fiction |
Made with | GameMaker |